The Products
Welcome to Unwin Equine Resources where we provide personal guidance and advice, offering natural options to support equine performance and rehabilitation.
We are able to advise in such areas as :
- Individually tailored natural feed support mixes.
- Racehorse selection.
- Racehorse health assessment.
- Pasture management, husbandry & feed options.
- Clean racing, anti- doping policy and guidance.
- Rehabilitation Livery Services.
Our aim is to ensure your investment produces sound and successful results.
Our top products
Visit our contact us page to book an assessment to find out what mix will best suit your horse.
Our prices start from
1kg - £39.00 + P&P
1.9Kg - £49.00 + P&P
5Kg - £65.00 + P&P
10Kg - £220.00 + P&P
The initial rehab assessment is priced at £100.00 plus travel costs.
No fuel charged within a 15 mile radius of our Sheffield office, thereafter 0.35 pence per mile.
For rehabilitation programmes and advice packages please complete our contact form.
View our full product range here
Respiratory Support Mix
A traditional natural supplement used to help support and promote equine respiratory health.
The blend includes herbs with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-cararrhal properties. Useful for respiratory tract disorders and the relief of coughing, EIPH exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage (bleeders), COPD, RAO, heaves, broken wind and equine asthma.
Click here to purchase
Digestive Support Mix
A traditional natural supplement used to help support and promote great equine gastrointestinal health.
Click here to purchase
Performance Support Mix
A traditional natural feed supplement used to support the cardiovascular and immune system in competing horses. This herbal mix is designed to help you get the best results from your feed and training regime. Ideal for high performance equine athletes.
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Mobility Support Mix
A traditional natural supplement used to help support the muscles, tendons & ligaments in horses.
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Hormonal Mare Support Mix
A traditional natural feed supplement used to regulate hormones and promote balanced mood and behaviour in mares.
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Laminitis Support Mix
A traditional, soy free, natural feed supplement used to help and support hoof and general health in laminitic horses or those prone to the symptoms.
Click here to purchase
Allergy Support Mix
A traditional natural feed supplement used to support and calm allergic reactions while promoting equine respiratory health.
Click here to purchase
Riggy Gelding Support Mix
A traditional natural feed supplement used to regulate hormones and promote balanced mood and behaviour in geldings.
Soy and Molasses free
Click here to purchase
Herbal products are an effective adjunct therapy but not to be confused with the services of, or pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by a trained Veterinarian, clients are deemed to use these products according to the advice given & at their own discretion.