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About Us

At Unwin Equine Resources we believe in promoting clean sport and anti-doping policies by working in partnership with our clients to enhance the general welfare of horses and to protect the integrity of our industry.
The use of performance - enhancing drugs and other doping behaviour severely damages the legitimacy of equine sport and undermines the efforts of clean competitors, the fundamental anti-doping principle of strict liability means that equine teams are responsible for their conduct, the decisions they make and the results of any test regardless of whether or not they intended to cheat. Through our work we encourage our clients to manage their horses within the rules and make informed decisions that support clean peak performance.

About: About

Racing Results

At Unwin Equine Resources we work alongside multiple British and Irish racehorse trainers and owners to help better the management and results of their equine athletes.

A recorded list of racehorses, both flat and jump, that are treated with Unwin Equine Resources herbal mixes and management are listed below.

Click to view our winning race results

About: Files


We are so grateful for our wonderful customers who have made our business what it is today.
Below are some reviews of how Unwin Equine Resource products and advice have helped them and their horses.

We are beginning to increase the 'work' the horses are doing and following the rehab programmes advised and would like to get the mixes you suggest into them as soon as we can.

Alan & Ann Potts Partnership

About: Testimonials
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